Friday, December 23, 2011

Five senses of the human body

Humans need the information in the form of external stimuli from the environment around to be able to live his life properly. In order to stimuli originating from outside the body can be captured related tools specific body called senses. The five sensory organs are the eyes, nose, ear / ears, skin and tongue.

Each person normally has five / five senses that function well to capture the stimulus so as to provide a response in accordance with the wishes or according to our instincts. People who are disabled senses could still be alive but will not be able to enjoy life like a normal human.

Human senses are five so-called five senses with the meaning of the definition / understanding, namely:

1. Sense of Sight / visionaries = Eye

Eyes are the senses that are used to seeing in the surrounding environment so as to form an image by identifying the objects around him quickly. The number of human eyes there are two pieces that work together to support one another. People who do not have eyes that need help called blind canes, guide dogs, etc. for ease in recognizing the surrounding environment and also to move.

2. Sense of Smell / Olfactory = Nose

The nose is a sense that we use to recognize the surrounding environment or something of the aroma produced. We are able to easily identify foods that are rotten to the still fresh with ease only with the scent of food. In the nose we have a lot of chemoreceptor cells to recognize the smell.

3. Sense of Taste = Tongue

The tongue is the sense organ that functions to sense taste stimuli from the objects that go into our mouths. The tongue can respond to various types and kinds of flavors such as sweetness, bitterness, sour and salty taste. We can enjoy food and beverages because of the sense of taste. Front part of the tongue that allows you to feel the salty taste, the right side for sour taste, the front edge serves to feel the sweetness and the back of the tongue to taste pait.

4. Sense of Hearing / Listener = Ear

The ear is a sensory tool that has a function to hear a voice that is all around us so that we can know / identify what is happening around us without having to see it with our own eyes.People who can not hear is called deafness. Our ear consists of three parts, namely the outer, middle and inner parts.

5. Sense of Touch = Skin

The skin is our sensory organs capable of receiving stimuli temperature, touch, pain, pressure, texture, and so forth. In the skin there are receptors which are branching dendrites of sensory neurons that is widely available around the tip of the finger, the tip of the tongue, forehead, etc..