Friday, December 23, 2011

Five most mysterious people in the World

Here the Five most mysterious people in the World :

1. Babushka Lady

Babushka Lady is a nickname given to the mysterious female figure who is seen when the murder president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. The woman is seen wearing a long brown coat, and scarf on the head, as is commonly worn by older women in Russia.Scarf is exactly what a beginning that is attached to it epithets babushkas (Russianbabushka is for grandmothers or older women). The woman is seen holding something in his face, which is believed to be a camera. He looked at some photos that capture thescene of the murder. Even after the crowd had ended, he still looks in there and take pictures with her camera. A few moments later, the FBI requested through a publicannouncement that babushka lady handed her camera shots (probably for the purposes ofthe investigation), but she never showed up again to the public.

In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver, admitted as a babushka lady. However, because the story contains many anomalies and inconsistencies, he is believed to be a false figurewho wants to ride fame = P Until now no one knows who the actual figure babushka lady, what she was doing at the scene of the murder and the reason he did not want to giveshots his camera.

2. Man In The Iron Mask

Man In The Iron Mask (died November 1973) is a prisoner incarcerated in a prison in France (including the legendary prison, the Bastille) in the reign of King Louis XIV. The identity of this man may never be known because no one ever saw his face hidden in abrown leather mask. Now we know that since time immemorial, people love to exaggeratestories because the stories are circulating, we are told that the mask is made ​​of steel that became the beginning of a nickname given to him.

According to a letter given to the head of the Prison in Pignerol (Benigne Dauvergne deSaint-Mars) where the first man in prison, the man's name was Eustache Dauger. Theletter also instructed to set up a cell that is coated with multiple doors (to prevent peoplefrom outside to hear a voice from inside the cell). Moreover, it also said that when a manis talking to other people than to things that relate to their personal needs (example: "Iwant be'ol warden ..!!" .. = P), he would be killed instantly. Until now no one knows who thetrue identity of this man, but there are some rumors saying that He is the brother of LouisXIV, son of King Charles II, diplomats from Italy, and others.

3. Monsieur Chouchani

Monsieur Chouchani (died in 1968) is the nickname or nickname given to the figure of the Jewish teachers who teach some students in Europe after World War 2. Most studentsthen managed to become famous figures, among them Emanuel Levinas (philosopher ofFrance, as seen in photo above), and Elie Wiesel (Author Jews, Nobel Peace Prize in 1986). Very little is known about Chouchani, including who is also his real name remains a mystery.

No physical works (such as writing, publications, books, etc.) from Chouchani, but he left a legacy of extraordinary intellectual through his disciples. Chouchani an eccentric figure,dressed like a bum, but has a vast knowledge of them in science, mathematics,philosophy, and especially the Talmud. In general, details regarding the life and writingsChouchani obtained through interviews with his students.

4. Gil Perez

Gil Perez is a Spanish soldier who suddenly appeared in Mexico on October 26, 1593. He was wearing guard uniforms Palace Del Gobernador in the Philippines. He claimed that he did not know how all of a sudden he was in Mexico (hmm ... maybe he was the first jumperin the world = P). He said, before abruptly in Mexico, he was on duty at the Palace DelGobernador and said that the Governor of the Philippines at that time, Don Gómez PérezDasmarinas just been killed.

Two months later, a ship arrived from the Philippines to Mexico carrying several passengers. The passengers in question confirmed the story of Gil Perez that the Governor of the Philippines was recently killed. Even one of the passengers. One passenger shipeven stated that he recognized Perez and see it in the Philippines on October 23 (O_o).After that, Perez then returned to the Philippines and continues to live there until the end. 

5. Green Children of Woolpit

Are two children who mysteriously appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England inthe 12th century. Both children are siblings, and have skin that is green (Hulk ???). In addition to the green skin, both children had a normal appearance like most humans. They spoke a strange language that is not recognized and do not want to eat nothing but peas.

After a long run, the child loses a second skin the color of green and a normal color like thecolor of human skin in general. After studying English, they explained that they came from avillage called "St.. Martin "which is a dark place because the sun does not shine there.When it was their father's cattle herding, they found a stream of light and follow it, untilsuddenly they were in Woolpit. Some theories suggest that the second child is a child fromanother dimension, or aliens from outer space.