Not all foods increase the waist size. Some foods actually effectively become the destroyer of fat in the body. You can become slender with diligent this food.
1. Grapefruit
A study in Japan claimed that eating half a grapefruit, or about 150 ml of grapefruit juice at each meal, can help you lose weight. The study, led by Dr. Ken Fujioka lasted for 12 days with 100 participants were women and men. On average participants who ate half a grapefruit at each meal lost weight 1.5 kg. The reason, grapefruit may inhibit enzymes involved in the storage of fat and carbohydrates, as well as accelerate the fat burning.
According penilitian, the chemical content of grapefruit reduce insulin levels and encourage weight loss. In addition, grapefruit is also rich in water (about 90 per cent).Eating water-rich fruits will speed up digestion, increase energy and improve metabolism.
2. Chili sauce
The good news for you fans of spicy. According to the researchers, the burning sensation caused by spicy foods capable of oxidizing the layer of fat and increase metabolism.Therefore, adding a spicy flavor to the food can actually make the fat easier to burn.
An Australian study stated that chili kapkaisin contain substances which increase insulin levels in the body. Substance is what makes the body can burn fat up to 32 percent.
For those of you who do not like the taste of spicy, use a mixture of pepper as a food ingredient. Research from the University of California shows, the energy expended by those who ate chili, double that of those who eat pepper.
3. Cinnamon
Spice scented fragrance can be a substitute for sugar. Cinnamon is also not much different from sugar. Replacing sugar with cinnamon, helps you lose weight 2-3 kg in a year, without exercise. This is because cinnamon contains no calories. Compare it with a teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. You can reduce your intake of calories from sugar, and replace it with cinnamon.
Cinnamon also has other benefits for health. The reason is, this herb can increase the level of the hormone estrogen. These hormones work to prevent liver damage, mood balance, lowering cholesterol levels as much as 18 percent and triglycerides by 30 percent.
4. Walnuts
Walnuts used as lowering fat because it is rich in omega 3 and fiber content. The content of omega 3 and fiber in nuts walnuts make full longer and maintain healthy body cells.
Scientists in Australia conducted a study in diabetics who are on a low-fat diet. According to this study, diabetics who consume 8-10 walnuts every day, lost weight more quickly than those who did not consume walnuts. Diligently eating walnuts can also affect insulin levels in the body decline. Impact, not easy to accumulate fat in the body.
5. Onion
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a lot of onions contain phytochemicals. The content of these substances can shed fat in the body, powerful to kill the virus, as well as eradicate the fungus. Besides onions, other spices that contain many other phytochemicals also found from the garlic.